This product is categorized within the technology domain, specifically ready-to-use products. It falls under the product family of adhesives and sealants, with a focus on contact adhesives. This product serves the printing and packaging markets, with applications primarily focused on tapes, labels, and adhesives, particularly tapes and labels.

Supplied By: Henkel Corporation

Product Code: H01290

Regional Availability: Canada

Product Type: Adhesive, Contact Adhesive, Waterborne Adhesive

    Enhanced TDS

    Identification & Functionality

    Features & Benefits

    Ready-to-Use Product Features

    Applications & Uses

    Application Area
    Compatible Substrates & Surfaces
    Recommended Applications

    Bottle labeling adhesive used to adhere a variety of label stocks to glass bottles.


    Physical Form
    Off white Liquid
    Product Highlights
    • AQUENCE LG 45C is a bottle labeling adhesive made with a synthetic polymer. It was developed to replace casein based labeling adhesives for returnable bottles.
    • The product exhibits excellent machinability on high-speed rotary labelers and is easy to clean up.
    • AQUENCE LG 45C patterns well, which offers higher mileage versus conventional casein products.
    • This product will pass typical brewery ice proof tests, but will remove easily with typical returnable bottle washing methods.

    Regulatory & Compliance

    Certifications & Compliance
    Chemical Inventories

    Packaging & Availability

    Packaging Type
    Regional Availability
    • Canada

    Storage & Handling

    Shelf Life
    6 months
    Storage and Handling Conditions
    • Rotate stock, using oldest material first.
    • Keep covered to prevent drying out and contamination.
    • Protect from freezing.
    • Do not mix with other adhesives.