1 of 8 products in this brand
The product is classified as a desiccant and is certified as Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) and FDA compliant. It is primarily intended for use in medical and pharmaceutical packaging within the healthcare and pharmaceutical market segment.

Supplied By: Colorcon Functional Packaging

Product Code: P02018

Regional Availability: USA

Product Type: Desiccant

    Enhanced TDS

    Identification & Functionality

    Applications & Uses

    Regulatory & Compliance

    Packaging & Availability

    Packaging Type
    Regional Availability
    • USA
    Packaging Information
    • Number of parts per container - 4,000 canisters per carton.
    • Palletization - 48 cartons per new heat treated pallet (48X40).

    Storage & Handling

    Storage Conditions and Shelf Life

    1 year from date of manufacture (no extension of shelf life available).