1 of 50 products in this brand
LOCTITE® LIOFOL® PR J9012PF is a nitrocellulose-based primer designed for gravure application onto untreated foil surfaces. It is characterized by its rapid drying, impressive gloss, flexibility, and adhesion properties, making it an ideal coating base for various types of inks. Additionally, it is free from HAPS (hazardous air pollutants) and phthalates.

Supplied By: Henkel Corporation

Product Code: H01466

Regional Availability: Canada

Product Type: Primer

Features: Fast Drying, Good Adhesion, Good Surface Gloss, Heat Resistance, High Flexibility, Water Resistant

    Enhanced TDS

    Identification & Functionality

    Features & Benefits

    Applications & Uses

    Packaging & Availability

    Packaging Type
    Regional Availability
    • Canada

    Storage & Handling

    Storage and Handling Conditions
    • Storage of this product for periods exceeding 6 months should be avoided.
    • Stir before use.
    • Rotate coating and adhesive stock on a first-infirst- out basis.