Enhanced TDS
Identification & Functionality
- Chemical Family
- Supplied By
- Technologies
- Product Families
Applications & Uses
- Markets
- Applications
- Segments
- Applications
- Applicable Processes
- Use Level
- 50 - 500
- Principal Uses
Lupromin® FP C 1321 is used in the mineral processing industry as a collector in the beneficiation of coals and molybdenite by flotation. It is especially efficient in the beneficiation of low oxidised to moderately oxidised coals and produces improved coal yield (20 – 30 % more) compared to diesel. It is formulated to be less hydrophilic than Lupromin FP C 1927, Lupromin FP C 1920, Lupromin FP C 1928 but more hydrophilic than diesel hence is especially more efficient as collector for moderate to low oxidised coal samples.
- Application Information
- Lupromin® FP C 1321 is applied at the head of the flotation circuit (rougher) and disperses well into the slurry without the need for pre-conditioning or separate conditioning stage.
- Additional collector may be stage added in the scavengers and cleaners as required or as determined through laboratory test work.
- Due to its surface-active nature, Lupromin® FP C 1321 may have destabilizing effect on the froths in situations where the coal type is unsuitable or where the collector is overdosed.
- Application test work must also be conducted to determine the dose level to avoid overdosing and determine collector suitability for the specific coal type.
- Where froth destabilization is observed, lower doses should be tried. Where unsure please contact a BASF technical representative.
- Lupromin® FP C 1321 provides better yields (by up to 30 %) compared with diesel and has been used successfully to replace diesel especially on treating slightly or moderately oxidised coals.
- Collector dosage vary for different operations or for different seams within same operation and is largely dependent on the coal type being processed.
- Typically, dose ranges from 50 g/t to 500 g/t per tonne of treated material.
- Physical Form
- Sparingly soluble in
- Water
Packaging & Availability
- Regional Availability
Storage & Handling
- Shelf Life
- 12 months
- Storage Condition
Lupromin® FP C 1321 should not be stored in temperatures exceeding 40°C. Under these storage conditions a storage stability of 12 months is expected.