Enhanced TDS
Identification & Functionality
- Chemical Name
- Supplied By
- Industrial Additives Functions
- CAS No.
- 108-32-7
- EC No.
- 203-572-1
- Technologies
- Product Families
Applications & Uses
- Markets
- Applications
- Segments
- Applications
- Recommended Applications
- The most efficient way of applying SURFONIC® OFH 286 inhibitor is to prepare a 5-20% solution of the inhibitor in methanol, polyglycol, or other solvent with some polarity.
- Methanol is the recommended solvent carrier.
- For systems already being treated with methanol, the SURFONIC® OFH 286 inhibitor solution can be injected using the same equipment and storage tanks as the methanol being replaced.
- Applying SURFONIC® OFH 286 inhibitor in combination with SURFONIC® OFH 281 inhibitor may be more cost efficient in some scenarios.
- Use between 2-3 parts of H 281 per one part of H 286 and prepare field solutions 4-10% strong.
- Injection rates usually start at the same treatment rate as the methanol or glycol to allow the system to become saturated with the new gas hydrate inhibitor.
- The inhibitor solution should be injected upstream of the hydrate formation point using an atomizer nozzle to ensure even distribution.
- Once the system is saturated, injection rates should be systematically reduced to the target level or below until pressure fluctuations indicative of initial hydrate formation are observed.
- Rates should then be increased until these fluctuations cease.
- Rates may then only need adjusting periodically.
- The final treatment dosage of the solution is typically 70-90% lower than the treatment rate for methanol alone.
- Physical Form
- Appearance
- Yellow liquid (at 25°C)
- Solubility Data
SURFONIC® OFH 286 inhibitor is readily soluble in polar solvents and displays a limited solubility in non-polar solvents. The table below presents solubility information for SURFONIC® OFH 286 inhibitor in selected media at 5, 10 and 20 wt% concentrations at 25°C, 5°C, and -20°C.
5% 10% 20% Solvent 25°C 5°C -20°C 25°C 5°C -20°C 25°C 5°C -20°C MIBC¹ S2 S S S S S S S S ISOPART TM M NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS ESCAIDTM 110 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS SURFONIC® L4-1 surfactant S S NSᶜ S S NSᶜ S S NSᶜ SURFONIC® L4-2 surfactant S S S S S S S S S Diesel Fuel NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS PGBE³ S S S S S S S S S DPGME⁴ S S S S S S S S S Alcohols C₁ to C₆ S S S S S S S S S 2-Ethylhexanol S S NS S NSᵇ NS NS NSᵉ NS 2-Propylheptanol S NSᵃ NSᵃ NS NS NS NS NS NS in-Decanol S NSᵇ NSᵇ NS NS NS NS NS NS EXXAL 13 alcohol S S NSᵈ NS NS NS NS NS NS Gas well condensate⁵ NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS - Note
¹Methyl isobutyl carbinol, 4-methyl-2-pentanol.
²‘S’ = soluble, ‘NS’ = not soluble.
³Propylene glycol butyl ether.
⁴Dipropylene glycol methyl ether.
⁵Mixture of light hydrocarbons, predominately pentane and hexane, commonly produced from gas wells.
ᵃSoluble at 15°C
ᵇSoluble at 10°C
ᶜSoluble at 5°C
ᵈSoluble at 0°C
ᵉSoluble at -5°C
Packaging & Availability
- Packaging Type
- Regional Availability
- Packaging Information
Small samples can be obtained by contacting any Indorama Ventures sales office.
Storage & Handling
- Storage Conditions
SURFONIC® OFH 286 inhibitor may be satisfactorily stored in carbon steel tanks using steel pipes and pumps. The tanks should be equipped with pressure relief devices and should have an inert gas pad. Fiberglass tanks are recommended to store ready-to-use solutions in the field operations.