Pharmaceuticals & Nutraceuticals

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Quadra company logo
  • Supplied By:Jost Chemicals Co. Inc.
  • Product Code:F02974
  • Regional Availability:Canada
  • Ingredient Name:Ammonium Citrate Dibasic
  • Chemical Name:Ammonium Citrate Dibasic
  • CAS Number:3012-65-5
  • Labeling Claims:Antibiotics-free, Bisphenol A-free, Excipient-Free, Additive-free, PHO (Partially Hydrogenated Oil)-Free, Irradiation-free, Halal, Fragrance-free, Benzoic Acid-Free, Butylated Hydroxyanisole-free, Maltodextrin-free, Dioxin-free, 3-MCPD (3-monochloropropane-1,2-diol) free, Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)-Free, PAH-free, Plasticizer-free, Non-Mutagenic, Milk-Free, Silicone-free, Artificial Flavor-Free, Siloxane-free, Sugar-free, HBCD-free, Vegan, TBHQ Free, Herbicide-free, Non-Carcinogenic, BSE-free, Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)-free, Bisphenol Derivatives-free, Artificial Sweetner-free, Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT)-Free, Preservative-free, Asbestos-free, Gluten-free, Antioxidants-free, Non-GMO, Ethylene Oxide-free, Acrylamide-free, Reprotoxic substance-free, Nut-free, Diacetyl-Free, Insecticide-Free, Contamination-free, Phthalates-free, No Added Sugar, Melamine-free, Colorants-free, Alcohol-free, Gelatin-free, Latex-free, VOC-free, Tartrazine-free, Nitrosamines-free, Aromatic Amines-free, Amine-free, Caffeine Free, Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)-free, Glycerin-free, Diethylene Glycol-free, 2-EHA-free, Kosher, PVC-free, Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs)-free, Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBB)-free, Not Listed In California Proposition 65, Pesticide-free, GMO-free, Nanomaterials-free, Formaldehyde-free, Carrier Free, Polyphenols-free, Hormones-free, Ethoxyquin-free, Vegetarian, Petroleum-free, Emulsifier-free, Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs)-free, Fatty acids-free, TSE-free, Mineral oil-free, Animal Products-free, Allergen-free, Azo Colorants-free, Adulterant-free, Enzyme-Free, Not Tested on Animals
  • Synonyms:Ammonium Hydrogen Citrate, Ammonium Monohydrogen Citrate, Citric Acid Diammonium Salt, Diammonium Citrate, Diammonium Hydrogen Citrate, Dibasic Ammonium Citrate
AMMONIUM CITRATE DI FCC 2046 is a versatile ingredient known by its chemical name, ammonium citrate dibasic. It serves multiple functions in the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries, including acting as a buffering agent. Additionally, it falls under the category of enzymes and starter cultures in food ingredients.
SOD.CARB.NF/EP/FCC.GR(2746) banner
Quadra company logo
  • Supplied By:Jost Chemicals Co. Inc.
  • Product Code:F08213
  • Regional Availability:USA
  • INCI Name:Sodium Carbonate
  • Chemical Name:Sodium Carbonate, Anhydrous
  • CAS Number:497-19-8
  • Labeling Claims:Paraben-free, Antibiotics-free, Bisphenol A-free, Excipient-Free, Additive-free, Irradiation-free, Halal, Fragrance-free, Benzoic Acid-Free, Butylated Hydroxyanisole-free, Maltodextrin-free, 3-MCPD (3-monochloropropane-1,2-diol) free, Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)-Free, PAH-free, Non-Mutagenic, Milk-Free, Silicone-free, Artificial Flavor-Free, Sugar-free, Aflatoxin-free, Vegan, TBHQ Free, Herbicide-free, Non-Carcinogenic, BSE-free, Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)-free, Artificial Sweetner-free, Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT)-Free, Preservative-free, Asbestos-free, Natural Latex Rubber-Free, Gluten-free, Biocides-free, Non-GMO, Ethylene Oxide-free, Acrylamide-free, Reprotoxic substance-free, Nut-free, Insecticide-Free, No Added Sugar, Colorants-free, Alcohol-free, Gelatin-free, Latex-free, Tartrazine-free, Nitrosamines-free, Aromatic Amines-free, Amine-free, Caffeine Free, Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)-free, Glycerin-free, Diethylene Glycol-free, 2-EHA-free, PVC-free, Not Listed In California Proposition 65, Pesticide-free, Nanomaterials-free, Carrier Free, Hormones-free, Vegetarian, Petroleum-free, Emulsifier-free, Fatty acids-free, TSE-free, Mineral oil-free, Allergen-free, Azo Colorants-free, Enzyme-Free, Not Tested on Animals
  • Synonyms:Anhydrous Sodium Carbonate, Disodium Carbonate, Na2CO3, Soda, Soda Ash, Sodium Carbonate, Sodium Carbonate Anhydrous
SOD.CARB.NF/EP/FCC.GR(2746) is a source of the mineral sodium. It functions as a mineral source and supplement in both food ingredients and pharma & nutraceuticals applications, contributing to dietary needs and supplement formulations.
ZINC GLUCO USP GRAN.(2959) banner
Quadra company logo
  • Supplied By:Jost Chemicals Co. Inc.
  • Product Code:P02007
  • Regional Availability:USA
  • Ingredient Name:Zinc Gluconate
  • Mineral Type:Zinc
  • Labeling Claims:CMR Substances-free, Non-Mutagenic, Phthalates-free, Nanomaterials-free, Hormones-free, Artificial Flavor-Free, Non-Toxic, Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)-free, HBCD-free, Maltodextrin-free, Nitrosamines-free, Bisphenol A-free, Fatty acids-free, Non-GMO, Biocides-free, Latex-free, GMO-free, Metal-free, Aromatic Amines-free, BSE-free, Halal, Carrier Free, No Added Sugar, TSE-free, Butylated Hydroxyanisole-free, Amine-free, Aflatoxin-free, Vegetarian, Emulsifier-free, Formaldehyde-free, Antibiotics-free, Corn-free, Vegan, Caffeine Free, Irradiation-free, Kosher, Melamine-free, Animal Products-free, Colorants-free, Excipient-Free, Allergen-free, Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)-Free, Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs)-free, Not Tested on Animals, Alcohol-free, Non-Carcinogenic, Ethylene Oxide-free, Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT)-Free, Additive-free, Petroleum-free, Pesticide-free, Glycerin-free, Asbestos-free, Antioxidants-free, Gluten-free, Nut-free, Solvent-free, Paraben-free, Herbicide-free, Preservative-free
ZINC GLUCO USP GRAN.(2959) consists of zinc gluconate, a mineral ingredient that serves as a source of zinc. This product is available in the form of granules and solids. It is used in various industries, including food ingredients, pharmaceuticals, and nutraceuticals, primarily for its mineral supplementation properties.


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