ZIRCON CAST V 325M (07-8393)

This product is a powder product composed of zirconium compounds, commonly known as Zircon. This product is categorized under the "Inorganics" section of the technical salts & inorganics family and plays a significant role in industrial markets, especially within chemical and industrial manufacturing, serving various applications in chemical manufacturing processes.

Supplied By: Vibrantz Technologies

Product Code: Q05985

Regional Availability: Canada

Chemical Name: Zircon

CAS Number: 14940-68-2

    Enhanced TDS

    Identification & Functionality

    Applications & Uses


    Physical Form

    Packaging & Availability

    Packaging Type
    Regional Availability
    • Canada
    Packaging Information
    • 50 lb 3 ply paper bag
    • 2000 lb SuperSack