Enhanced TDS
Identification & Functionality
- Chemical Family
- Chemical Name
- Supplied By
- CAS No.
- 1314-23-4
- EC No.
- 215-227-2
- Technologies
- Product Families
Applications & Uses
- Markets
- Applications
- Segments
- Applications
- Applicable Processes
- Industrial Additives End Use
- Application Information
Zir-CAST® zircon flour can be used in a range of refractory applications for the metallurgical industry.
- Physical Form
Packaging & Availability
- Packaging Type
- Regional Availability
- Packaging Information
- 50 lb 3 ply paper bag
- 2000 lb SuperSack
Storage & Handling
- Shelf Life
- 1 year
- Storage and Shelf Life Information
Product should be kept unopened in its original packaging and sealed when not in use. Store in a dry environment free from extremes from heat or cold. Shelf life when these conditions are met is 2 years from the manufactured date.