FINNFIX 30000 CMC is a powdered industrial additive with applications in chemical manufacturing. It is known for its high viscosity, serving functions such as a binder, film former, and anti-redeposition agent. Additionally, it features improved water retention. The product adheres to kosher labeling standards.

Supplied By: Nouryon

Product Code: Q12594

Regional Availability: Canada

Chemical Name: Cellulose, carboxymethyl ether, sodium salt

Labeling Claims: Halal, Kosher

Certifications & Compliance: Halal, Kosher

Synonyms: Cellulose Carboxymethyl Ether Sodium Salt, CMC Sodium salt

    Enhanced TDS

    Identification & Functionality

    Features & Benefits

    Applications & Uses

    Product Applications

    Finnfix® 30000 product is a versatile additive due to its ability to retain water, thicken liquids, regulate flow properties, suspend and stabilize dispersion and act as a film forming agent. It is a water-soluble polymer dissolving in cold as well as in warm water


    Physical Form
    Soluble In
    White to cream powder
    Essentially odor free

    Notes: Test methods are available upon request. Nouryon reserves the right to use company test methodology.

    Regulatory & Compliance

    Certifications & Compliance

    Packaging & Availability

    Packaging Type
    Regional Availability
    • Canada

    Storage & Handling

    Shelf Life
    36 Months
    Storage Conditions and Shelf Life
    • Stored in a covered and well-ventilated area and in original and unopened packaging the product has a shelf life up to 36 months calculated from the date of manufacture, which means the product can be safely used during this period.
    • The product is based on a natural polymer, cellulose, which means that the viscosity may drop over time.We therefore only warrant that the product meets the product specification up to twelve (12) months calculated from the date of manufacture, even if all parameters of the product specification other than viscosity and moisture remains stable up to the indicated shelf life.
    • Viscosity drop (if any) occurring after 12 months from the date of manufacture can be handled by slight dosage correction. The dosage correction to be determined by Buyer depending on application.