Enhanced TDS
Identification & Functionality
- Chemical Family
- Chemical Name
- INCI Name
- Ingredient Origin
- Supplied By
- Cleaning Ingredients Functions
- Cosmetic Ingredients Functions
- CAS No.
- 151-21-3
- EC No.
- 205-788-1
- Technologies
- Product Families
Features & Benefits
- Benefit Claims
- Labeling Claims
- HII Features
Applications & Uses
- Markets
- Applications
- Segments
- Applications
- Home Care Applications
- I&I Cleaning Applications
- Application Information
UFAROL TCL 95 N is primarily used in the manufacture of heavy duty laundry (HDL) powders and laundry tablets, and has been developed and optimised for this particular application to give balanced foaming properties and improved solubility at medium and low wash temperatures.
- Physical Form
- Appearance
- White needles
Packaging & Availability
- Packaging Type
- Regional Availability
Storage & Handling
- Storage Condition
Storing it cool and dry to avoid lumping. If stored at temperatures above 30°C the product have a tendency to coalescence into lumps that are easily broken down during handling.